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Healthy Connection: Diet & Exercise

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Courtney Middle • Nov 15, 2022

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Courtney Middle • Nov 15, 2022

by Courtney Middle

Exercise and proper nutrition to fuel the best you 

There are always so many questions about proper nutrition before, during, and after any physical exercise. Answers to these questions, however, are not so clear. No matter what website you read about nutrition, you will continue to get different answers. This article is meant to clear up some questions and concerns you may have about exercise and proper nutrition. 

Most importantly, it is worth noting that you cannot gain muscle simply by eating more protein. You MUST add resistance training to your workouts to build muscle. This can include weightlifting, resistance bands, or weight machines.

It is also important to understand when, what, and how much protein you should consume to get the best benefits from a workout.  Eating 3-4 hours before a workout is preferred, so you would want to include some protein in your meal along with carbohydrates. The protein will help slow the digestion of carbs so you can use those carbohydrates as energy during the workout. During exercise, it is recommended to not consume any protein because it could cause gastrointestinal discomfort. The most crucial period for sufficient protein consumption is 15 minutes to 1 hour post-workout because it will have the greatest effect on protein synthesis to promote the growth of muscle.

The types of protein sources are an important factor to consider when replenishing and repairing muscles. Proteins called “complete proteins” or “higher quality proteins” will give you the highest protein synthesis because they contain all the essential amino acids. Amino acids are just broken-down proteins that repair and build muscle. Some examples of complete proteins include eggs, beef, chicken, and dairy products—mostly proteins that come from animal products.

Say YES to carbs! Although carbohydrates get a bad reputation, these are important macronutrients to consume with your exercise. Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for all necessary bodily functions, as well as an immediate source of energy when exercising. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose which is the main source of fuel for your body.

Additionally, glycogen, which is a storage form of glucose, is stored in your muscles and is used as a quick source of energy during a short, intense workout. Therefore, consuming different types of carbohydrates throughout the day is important for superior workouts. For 3-4 hours before a workout, carbs like bread, rice, and pasta (if it is mixed with protein) are a good source of fuel. However, if you are eating within 2 hours or less before a workout, simple carbohydrates such as fruit, sports drinks, and energy bars would be a good source of instant energy. After a workout, remember to eat a variety of carbs to replenish the muscle glycogen stores. Sports drinks such as Gatorade, Powerade, and Body Armor will also provide a good amount of carbs as well as electrolytes and fluids that were lost during exercise.

Although fat and exercise are not talked about as much as carbs and protein, we must be including healthy fats in our diet as well. Fat is the primary fuel for light to moderate intensity workouts. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are the healthier kinds of fats that don't increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and decrease your cholesterol. Some examples of healthy fats are avocados, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils (olive, canola, sunflower).

To conclude, it is important that your diet is well-rounded and it consists of proteins, carbs, and healthy fats. Each one of these macronutrients plays an essential role in exercise benefits, overall health, and recovery. Following a strict diet is never recommended as an athlete, so just make sure your meals

are balanced and delicious.

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